Tim Robinson
Managing Partner & PADI IDC Staff Instructor
Tim was born in East Moline, IL, and moved to make South Florida his new home when he was in grade school. He’s always got his hands in something as an entrepreneur. Tim holds many titles: Florida State contractor, boss, ranking board member of several organizations, Specialty Dive Instructor, Dad, and now Mr. ZooKeeper. During his days not diving or at ZooKeeper he is the Managing Partner of Global Protection Products and a few other businesses.
He loves to travel, teach scuba and spend time with his family and friends.
His love for diving began early as a search & recovery diver while working as a firefighter in Broward County, FL. In 2018, Tim and Patricia got a gift of the Open Water Certification for Cesar, and the adventure began there. He decided to go to an instructor with his sons, Cody and Robert, and was up for a good challenge. Tyler was his beginning instructor and did most of his training through PADI Pro. His passion for diving and protecting the ecosystem led Tim to purchase ZooKeeper in late July 2021.
With that being said, Tim’s dream job would be a professional scuba diver. On his off time Tim and Patricia travel often and he has a Harley Motorcycle and 2004 Corvette to play with. Tim and Patricia have been dating for over 13 years and can’t wait to see what each day brings them.
Check out his Podcast interview done by Scott with Lionfish Central.
The future of Lionfish ends with ZooKeeper! He wishes to educate the world on how ZooKeeper can help divers safely control the Lionfish invasion and have a safer way to contain smaller debris collected on dives.
Tim is Lionfish certified and would like to teach your next class! #SlayEatRepeat

Tim's Favorites
- The thing to hunt: Lionfish
- Food: Steak
- Holiday: Christmas
- Color: Blue
- Vacation place: Anywhere in the Caribbean
- Dive Equipment: ZooKeeper
- A place to dive: Caribbean
- Thing about diving: Peaceful
- PADI course: Open Water
- Dessert: Carrot Cake
- Instructor course: IDC with Charles
- Movie: Top Gun and My Cousin Vinnie
- Music: Modern Country
- Song: “To much time on my hands,” by Styx
- Animal: Louie Robinson
- Drink: Ice Tea
- Sport to watch: Hockey
- Music Band: Styx
- Candy: Chocolate
- Sports Team: Chicago Blackhawks
- A place to shop: Amazon
- Restaurant: Luigi’s

- Day of the week: Thursday because it’s his Friday
- Snack: Chips
- Fast Food: McDonald’s
- Ice Cream: Salted Caramel Praline