Meet Patricia Mauldin – Get to know her!

ZooKeeper Team - Patricia Mauldin

Patricia Mauldin
PADI Divemaster & People Engineer

Patricia moved to South Florida as a teenager, had her son, Dominic, and never plans to live anywhere else ever. She says, “We live where most vacation, and we are lucky to have such diverse scuba diving at our fin-gertips.”Β  Her variety of experiences in operations and customer service assists her in excelling in learning whatever is thrown her way to help people.Β  As part of the Team, Patricia’s “day” job and team duties are to help manage the website and social media platforms. Her dream job, she says, is “anything to do with vacation dive destinations and sharing the experience with people.”Β  Patricia and Tim have been dating for 12 adventurous years.Β  They both love to travel, diving, sporting events, concerts and their dog, Coral (Robinson).Β  They even met at a hockey game!Β  During her spare time, while she and Tim aren’t on vacation, she loves to dive close to home and play on Tik Tok.Β Β 

Patricia started her diving experiences a little later than the rest in 2019 due to anxiety and equalization complications. Just after a year and a half she completed her Divemaster certification and can’t stay out of the ocean. Her passion for scuba diving and ocean conservation is part of her everyday life.

Need a buddy? She’s in! Contact her to discuss. #NarcedMermaid

Contact Patricia:

Patricia Lionfish ZooKeeper
Patricia Lionfish ZooKeeper
Patricia Lionfish ZooKeeper

Patricia's Favorites

  • Thing to hunt: Lionfish
  • Food: Ribeye
  • Holiday: Christmas – Love giving
  • Color: Pink – Surprised? LOL
  • Vacation place: Caribbean
  • Place to dive: Anywhere
  • Thing about diving: Peaceful
  • PADI course: Bouyance
  • Dessert: Ice Cream
  • Sport to watch: Baseball
  • Movie: Step Brothers
  • Music: Moden Country
  • Dream vacation: Anywhere with Tim
  • Drink: Soda Water
  • TV show: The Five
  • Music band: Chris Stapelton
  • Candy: Chewy & Sour or hot
  • Flower: Sunflower
  • Sports team: Cubs
  • Place to shop: Internet
  • Restaurant: Luigi Di Roma
  • Day of week: Friday
  • Snack: Chips
  • Fast food: Chic-Fil-A
  • Scent: Dior
  • Flavor of ice cream: Caramel Praline
  • Dive Equipment: BCD
  • Weather: no wind to dive
  • Season: Summer
  • Person: Tim
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