New & Improved Molded ZooKeeper Funnels

The new molded ZooKeeper funnel is finally here!!


  • lip to keep the funnel from pushing through so easily
  • plastic is UV rated
  • added a bit of reinforcement to make it stronger
  • modeled to be more consistent than the previous hand-made modifications

We learned that there were some issues with the type of plastic used for the first-generation funnel and immediately stopped using it. We sent out less than 150 funnels and immediately returned to the drawing board. We have been using the second version of the funnel with almost zero failures. We are confident that this second version is better than the original funnel used in the ZooKeeper. We are very aware of the safety component of operating a ZooKeeper which is one of the reasons we made the handle standard for all ZooKeepers.

Be sure to contact us immediately if you have had an issue with your funnel or any parts.

We are looking into perfecting the funnel.  Currently, we are trying different plastic materials to toughen it. We’d like for the funnel not to be thrown in the trash. 

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