The ZooKeeper Team is excited to announce the new ZooKeeper size 10″. Yeah, it’s ok to have two on hand…
Why would I need one that small, you ask? Here are a few reasons why:
- Carry it when you expect a lite haul
- It’s small enough to Zook strap it to you and have it “in case” you should need to use it for marine life and/or debris
- Smaller size ZooKeeper takes up less room in your suitcase when you travel
- New slayer or young slayer can better manage while learning
- You can add on an extension later if you find yourself hauling more
- It’s just cute and goes well with your other ZooKeeper gear
Have you ladies seen the new pink ZooKeeper. It can be ordered in any size.
Just because we are underwater doesn’t mean that you can’t coordinate your dive gear.
Pink is now available to match to your gear! The small size will fit in even a carry-on for travles.
Check out the apparel and jewelry too!
We have new jewelry from the huntress herself, Lionfish Caribbean.