Tyler Bourgoine Managing Partner PADI Master Instructor & Sales Extraordinaire
A transplant from the mountains of Pennsylvania, Tyler traded in his skis and snowboard for a pair of scuba fins. He began his adventure as a diver after finishing his Bachelors of Business Administration at Florida Atlantic University. He instantly fell in love with the underwater world. He worked for a local dive store and boat for several years as a PADI IDC Staff Instructor. During his tenure, he was instrumental in organizing two Guinness World Records in 2018 and 2019.
While completing his Masters of Business Administration, he had the privilege to work for the Nova Southeastern University Academic Dive Program. His concern for the environment and dive safety grew further at NSUADP.
Tyler will be an instrumental part of the ZooKeeper team on land and in the water.
Tyler is Lionfish certified and would like to teach your next class! #SlayEatRepeat

We did a question and answer session with Tyler. Read it HERE