- How did you learn about a ZK?
Tim purchased a ZooKeeper to hunt Lionfish, other catches and put debris in to practice scuba safety.
- How did you come to be involved with ZK?
I became involved with ZooKeeper when Tim purchased the company in July 2021. Previously, I worked full-time at Home Depot in HR. ZooKeeper needed full-time marketing and website maintenance, so I left my position with Home Depot to teach myself to maintain a website and all the social media.
- How did you learn about a ZK?
Tim purchased a ZooKeeper to hunt Lionfish, other catches and put debris in to practice scuba safety.
- How do you compare the ZK to other containment units?
In my opinion, I think the others are a great try and would never disparage anyone who would instead buy a different product because we all have one goal and that’s to eradicate Lionfish. However, the other containment units that try to resemble a ZooKeeper do not contain the fish correctly. When you push down, the flap Lionfish can get past the flap and potentially poke. The others cause more drag while diving and it’s hard to empty continents when finished.
- What’s your favorite ZooKeeper product to use?
My mini 10″ ZooKeeper. I love it because it’s not too small to put a couple of monster Lionfish in with other small lionfish or some debris. I ZooK strap it to my BCD so I’m hand free and it’s always with me. I’ve dove a few times without it and don’t feel complete. Every dive is a Lionfish hunting dive unless I’m in the Maldives where they aren’t invasive. However, there is still debris to be fished from the water so I could carry it if I traveled the whole world with it. Make sure you’re always involved in cleaning up debris from our oceans.
- Can the ZK be used for anything other than Lionfish?
Short answer, YES. I put anything that needs to be brought back to the boat that fits in it. Sometimes even if it doesn’t fit, but hanging out like a big lobster. I’ve put plenty of fishing lines, hooks, knives, dive masks, lead weights, balloons, straws, bags, and debris.
- What does conservation mean to you and how do you make a difference personally?
Conservation means taking care of our Oceans. If the oceans have problems, the earth will suffer terminally.
This means in my option:
- Don’t litter
- Help control Lionfish and other invasive species
- Pick up debris
- Promote cleanups
- Establish more marine protected areas
- Regulate fishing
- Protect reefs
- Mind the carbon footprint
- Sustainable seafood choices
- Use fewer single-use items
- Support organizations with like-minded goals
Many things can be done, and I hope others try to do anything to support conservation as I do and we do as a whole.