Gear to have a successful Lionfish hunt…

So we have learned that humans are the natural predator of Lionfish. 

How do I become a successful hunter so I can help contribute to the eradication of Lionfish?

If you haven’t already, you should take the Invasive Lionfish Tracker Course.  During the class you learn about Lionfish, what you need and a two-tank boat dive to actually learn to shoot Lionfish.

  • Gear (along with your dive gear)
    • Great spotter/hunting buddy.
    • ZooKeeper
    • Gloves (if allowed where hunting)
    • Sling spear
    • Dive Light
  • Tips
    • Always plan your dive and dive your plan!
    • Be patient and think before slaying! 
    • Be aware of your surroundings.
    • Watch where you spear is going to strike. DO NOT aim toward live corals. If you need to pin the Lionfish, make sure it will hit sand or rock on the reef.
    • Don’t rush – Lionfish don’t like to swim so they will hang out while you get prepared for the slay
    • Try your best to hit the Lionfish in the head. Not only does it euthanize the Lionfish quickly it’s easier to put them into the ZooKeeper head first.
    • If you miss, try again! Watch where the Lionfish went and prepare yourself again to make the hit. 

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