Patricia, when did you learn to Scuba and what made you interested?
I finally finished my OW certification in May 2020. Tyler was my instructor, and I felt for him. Yes, there is crying in scuba. The frustration was real! For most of the Team, they learned in 2018. I was so jealous, but I had equalization problems and couldn’t work it out during that time. Come to find out after several ENT appointments that I just had to work on my anxiety issues with diving. So I was determined to correct the equalization issues and dive as I wanted to experience all the things the others were experiencing. I didn’t want to be left on the boat as “shore support” any longer. I pushed and pushed to practice equalizing in and out of the water ever day. In the beginning, it would take me 15 minutes to get to 60 feet. Yep, 15 minutes! With new diving breathing, I only had about 20 minutes to enjoy myself. I was determined to beat the boys down and last longer, so I wasn’t teased about my diving. It worked! I’m no longer scared of jumping in so I am the fastest down and last longer than most of the guys.
Do you need help equalizing?
Few tips that worked for me:
- As soon as my head hits the water, I pinch my nose until the pressure is correct.
- Before diving in the morning while getting ready I open and close my mouth to open my tubes.
- Flonase is my friend. I use it the night before if I feel I need to.
- I love cherry lozenger too. The menthol clears up the sinuses.