What if you don’t live near where lionfish are? No problem!
Your ZooKeeper can be used in any body of water.
It can hold any marine species you may catch while fishing. It is perfect as a storage container for treasure hunting, freshwater fish, and especially for picking up marine debris.
The rigid container protects divers from fish hooks and other harmful sharp objects.
If you find a different use for your ZooKeeper, be sure to share it with us. We’d love to see how you use yours.
Maybe you go on vacation and use it for Lionfish, and then when back home you use it for something else.
We had someone tell us at DEMA that they use it for collecting items when they are using their metal detector in the water. They find all sorts of treasures like coins, phones, and watches. Also, he said that they find harmful items like knives, needles and sharp metals and the ZooKeeper protects them.
We’d like the ZooKeeper to be multitasked anywhere you live. By the ocean, ponds, lakes or rivers. Don’t just throw it into a closet until your next vacation.
Email Patricia (patricia@LionfishZK.com), she lives pictures and to share them.