Where can I donate to the Lionfish eradication efforts?

Make a donation and help eradicate Lionfish!


Either you live in a place there are no Lionfish or maybe you aren’t a diver.  It’s ok!  You can still help save our reefs for future generations. 

Together we are building a brighter future for the oceans! Your contribution funds citizen science, education, and research programs to study and protect ocean species and habitats.

Donate to any ocean conservation organization and it helps. 


Thank You!

A couple of our Partners are excellent options for donations. 

Both are in the fight to help save our reefs from Lionfish and are passionate about ocean conservation.

Conservation Partners - REEF Take a Bite
Proceeds go to Ocean Conservation

Use this coupon code: reefzk10!

ZooKeeper will donate 10% of your order to REEF.

SC Aquarium Proceeds
Proceeds go to Ocean Conservation & Aquarium Research

Use this coupon code: scaquarium%10

ZooKeeper will donate 10% of your order to the Aquarium.

REEF Benefits

All REEF Donation Members

  • Support the world’s most effective grassroots marine conservation organization and ensure that its critical mission can be accomplished
  • Receive the monthly e-newsletter, Making It Count, and updates on REEF’s important work
  • Attend free online Fishinars, learning from engaging speakers on a variety of ocean topics and if you are a diver or snorkeler…
  • Participate in the world’s largest ocean citizen science program, the Volunteer Fish Survey Project, enabling you to “Make Dives That Count”
  • Track your fish and invertebrate sightings online
  • Advance your underwater naturalist skills and join the REEF Advanced Assessment Team
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